What is fasting?
Fasting is deliberately abstaining from the normal routines of life. Its purpose is to spend focused time in prayer and the study of God’s Word, seeking to align our lives with God’s will.
Ultimately, fasting is more about replacing than abstaining. It is filling our lives with God’s Word instead of with food, social media or entertainment. It is finding satisfaction and enjoyment in God and in God alone. Fasting helps us humble ourselves before the Lord and positions us to experience spiritual breakthroughs in our lives.
Mathew Henry writes, “Fasting is of use to put an edge upon prayer.” Have your prayers lost their fervor? Has your devotional life become dull? Fasting has a way of mystically sharpening our souls and making us more sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
As Alex Gee said, “Fasting is not about changing God. It is not a mystical exercise to gain God’s approval. Fasting is not about changing my world, but about letting God realign my heart toward his purposes.”
We recognize as we begin this 21-day fast and prayer commitment that as God’s people we need to boldly ask him for breakthroughs in any heartbreak, challenge or opportunity facing us individually and corporately.
Examples of people who fasted in the bible
When was the last time you entered an extended time of prayer and fasting for spiritual, relational or missional breakthrough? Throughout the history of God’s people, great leaders reached out to God for a fresh encounter or divine intervention.
Moses, in seeking a spiritual breakthrough, spent 40 days alone with God without eating or drinking until he received The Ten Commandments (Exodus 24:38).
King David sought a personal breakthrough as he fasted to keep himself humble (Psalm 35:13).
Ezra was seeking a breakthrough as he called God’s people to fast and pray for protection against their enemies (Ezra 8:21-23).
Daniel fasted and prayed as he sought a restorative breakthrough for the exiled people living in rebellion against their God (Daniel 9:3-4).
The apostle Paul fasted as he pondered his breakthrough encounter with the risen Lord Jesus and what it meant for his life (Acts 9:9).
The leaders of the church in Antioch worshiped, prayed and fasted together as they sought missional breakthrough for their thriving church (Acts 13:1-3).
Our Savior, setting the supreme example, entered 40 days of fasting before launching his public ministry (Matthew 4:1-2).
What breakthrough are you seeking?
God’s people all over the world have been seeking spiritual breakthroughs through prayer and fasting since the birth of the church.
What is the great matter in front of you? A loved one far from Christ? A critical decision in the life of your family? A relationship that is falling apart?
What is your role in the vision of WWFG Church? How can you rise up and be a Forerunner of the Faith United to Help people Find and Follow Jesus?
Take time to write down each needed breakthrough and lift them up to God in prayer.