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About Us

Who we are, where we come from, and where we're headed as a church family

Who we are

Here's the deal, WWFG Church cares about one thing more than anything else, Jesus Christ. WWFG Church is a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that exact same freedom.

Where we come from

Whosoever Will Full Gospel Church was founded in 1999 by Pastor Dan Dyer. Dan was given the call and vision of revival from the Lord and sent by his Pastor, Marion Cazell, to the small town of Dugger, Indiana. As the church continued to grow, and healings and miracles continued, it has sinced grown and planted a new campus in Merom, Indiana. “High Point Community Church” was founded in 2012 and has been a resource of blessing to that small community as well, with the love and power of Jesus Christ. We are “ONE CHURCH” in two locations. We have been involved in bringing the Gospel to the prisons for 20 years. It is our desire to train ministers and develop leaders.  

Here at Whosoever Will Full Gospel Church, we believe that every person is called to God’s “Ministry of Reconciliation.” (2 Cor. 5:18) We believe that it is the duty of the 5-fold ministry gifts (Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists) to equip the saints for this work of ministry. We all have a purpose in God’s great plan and we desire to help teach, train, and mentor each person in their unique gifting and calling. Whosoever Will is a “Kingdom Center” for the training and releasing of the Lord’s army of sons and daughters. We do not believe that we are saved just for Heaven, but to bring Heaven to earth. Jesus came to bring us life and that more abundant! (John 10:10) 

That is why we have so many opportunities to grow in Christ and to minister the gift within to others. Our services have contemporary worship and dynamic preaching.There are Bible studies where you can ask questions and discuss the Word of God. Our children and youth ministries are focused on raising up young people that do not just know “about” God, but know and follow His voice personally. There are so many oportunities to grow and be a blessing at Whosoever Will and High Point Community. We are a family of believers that love God and want to share that love with others!

Where we're headed

What's the bottom line? More than ever, WWFG Church is committed to fostering a family built around hope. Hope for the future. Hope for better. Hope for progress. Hope in Jesus. And as we move forward as a church family, inclusion and belonging remain at the center of who we are as followers of Christ.

What this means for you

What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at WWFG Church. We're saving a seat for you. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the WWFG family.

Beyond that, if you're ready to plan your first visit, click here. If you want to learn more about our beliefs as a church, click here. Or if you'd simply like to get in touch with a person on our lead team directly, click the button below.